Performance Evaluation and Suggestions for Improvement for four existing Wastewater Stabilization Pond Systems in Lesotho

vom: 10.11.2011

Verfasser: Martin Beckhoff

Project Scope

This thesis intends to evaluate the treatment performance of four waste stabilization pond (WSP) systems in Lesotho. The performance evaluation is based on recorded wastewater samples and surveyed pond dimensions. Tracer studies were executed to quantify the extent of hydraulic shortcircuiting in different ponds. Flow measurements allowed an estim ate of current pond retention times. The obtained results are compared to theoretical pond efficiencies.

The actual pond design is compared to a theoretical re-design. The re-design is based on current flow rates and wastewater data. The re-design illustrates a more efficient process design.

A new WSP system in Roma is in its construction stage and important design aspects and construction aspects are discussed within this thesis. ...

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